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br Conclusions br Disclosures br Funding Sources br
Conclusions Disclosures Funding Sources Introduction Pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) has become an accepted treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF) [1]. The efficacy of PVI is sometimes insufficient, and atrial substrate modification of target specific AF signals indicating the substrate r
br Malaria is a major public health problem and a
Malaria is a major public health problem and a leading cause of mortality worldwide, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where 90% of the world\'s 627 000 malaria deaths occur every year. However, the disease is usually curable if diagnosed quickly. Diagnosis is often made on the basis of clinical s
enzyme substrate Por su parte Juan Carlos Grijalva titula su
Por su parte, Juan Carlos Grijalva titula su artículo “A caballo, por la ruta de los libertadores: el legado mesiánico y elitista de José Vasconcelos en Ecuador”. Grijalva explica que el ensayista mexicano llegó enzyme substrate Ecuador el 17 de junio de 1930 procedente de Colombia, cabalgando los A
onde introduzimos a negritude como uma concep o
É onde introduzimos LBH 589 negritude como uma concepção adotada pelos intelectuais e movimentos sociais ligados à causa negra no Brasil. A negritude foi conceituada por seu criador, o poeta e intelectual Aimé Cesairé, como “o simples reconhecimento do fato de ser negro, a aceitação de seu destino,
A number of studies have shown that
A number of studies have shown that zoledronic p38 inhibitor has the ability to potentiate effects of anti-tumor agents such as doxorubicin [21] or everolimus [22]. In a recent paper the combination of chemotherapy with a single infusion of 4mg zoledronic acid in patients with breast cancer was sho
purchase Volasertib Conflict of interest br Authors contribu
Conflict of interest Authors׳ contributions Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from the Associazione Italiana Lotta alle Leucemie, Linfoma e Mieloma (AIL) – Sezione ‘Luciano Pavarotti’ Modena-ONLUS (to FF and LP) and from the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIR
Findings Three factors were significant predictors of treatm
Findings Three factors were significant predictors of treatment failure: the presence of at least 1 month of fair or poor adherence (OR 15·7, 95% CI 1·8–136·7; p=0·01); previous treatment at another clinic before the WWO/AHF Family Health Clinic (1·4, 1·2–13·7; p=0·02); and tuberculosis symptoms at
The care or intervention provided
The care or intervention provided during the ED stay for critically ill patients significantly impacts the progression of hospital outcomes. Svenson and colleagues reported that XL184 cost critically ill patients received critical care procedures commonly performed in the ED while waiting for ICU a
Chronic hepatitis B virus HBV infection is prevalent
Chronic flunixin meglumine virus (HBV) infection is prevalent in many Asian countries, notwithstanding three decades of universal hepatitis B vaccination programs. The invention of nucleos(t)ide analogs (NUCs) was a breakthrough in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B (CHB). However, HBV continues
br Commentary Her ECG showed a regular wide QRS
Commentary Her ECG showed a regular wide QRS complex tachycardia at a rate of 130 beats per minute. The morphology of the QRS complex exhibited the right BBB (RBBB) pattern with inferior axis. The duration of the QRS complex was 0.16s. P waves of sinus origin were not seen, presumably hidden in t
br Results The baseline characteristics of the study patient
Results The baseline characteristics of the study patients are shown in Table 1. The tachycardia nicergoline length was 350±95ms. To make the tachycardia sustained and stable, isoproterenol was infused in four patients. The activation map during AT was created by sampling from 152±28 RA points,
Anti-infection Compound Library Despite our best efforts the
Despite our best efforts, the cause of SCD in young individuals is sometimes not established; no cause is identified in up to 40% of cases. Importantly, whether a cause of death is established or not, the possibility of an underlying inherited cardiac disorder remains in many cases, including the po
La descripci n de la batalla
La descripción de la batalla de Churubusco obtiene un grado mayor de dramatismo en el tiempo presente, índice de un tiempo congelado, eternizado en un momento histórico, aunque no en sitio sino desde el punto de vista de Juan Bolao (“que subía al mirador”) desde la Quinta de San Jacinto, lugar campe
Ante la falta de un
Ante la falta de un ambiente estimulante para la producción de un pensamiento crítico y una conciencia social, Pablo Molinet (1975) escribe: “Quizá nuestra época nos dejó hablando solos” (93). No es de extrañar: luego de 1968, las concentraciones de jóvenes fueron vistas como un peligro y se dispuso
It is good to see
It is good to see any cluster-randomised SGX523 trial of a handwashing intervention, much more a successful one. Globally there is considerable funding invested in handwashing promotion, yet the kind of rigorous study published in this month\'s issue of by Adam Biran and colleagues is rare in the
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